Take My Time

Stan Barnes

"Take My Time"... A Bluesy Song with a statement in its Title... So then... no need to rush just gonna Take My Time..

So often in life, we buzz around doing so much. We are rushing to work, to play, to eat, to sleep... How about taking time out for the more important things. Life in this system is so short. Don't get too caught up in the rat

"Take My Time"... A Bluesy Song with a statement in its Title... So then... no need to rush just gonna Take My Time..

So often in life, we buzz around doing so much. We are rushing to work, to play, to eat, to sleep... How about taking time out for the more important things. Life in this system is so short. Don't get too caught up in the rat race... Take your time. So I wrote this song as a reminder for me as well... Take My Time... Stan Barnes

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